Video call record &
Pointing out problems in my draft
"Consider where the camera might be first, like in photography, and then design the details according to the composition in the shot."
"When you are sketching from photo or life, try to re-organize the shapes to form a hierarchy of focus points instead of simply copying.
"Most concept artists are freelancers like I am. Workspace changing is quite often, especially when working for film projects."
"Before graduation you may build a portfolio and put as much completed concept artworks as you can. So that there're more chance that your ability can be noticed by various projects.
Mark Li

Mark Li is a senior concept artist. He has been a concept artist for 17 years and has taken part in well-konwn projects such as Call of Duty, Sekiro and Destiny. Luckily I was able to take part in his 3D workshop last summer holiday. But my project and communications with Mark continued after the workshop. The interview was done in 23/01/2022 through QQ screen-sharing and notes in the chat.

Mark's ArtStation ↓